Sylph Moon

A Journey Through Mystics

Month: June 2018

Mid-Summer Tea

One of my favorite tea recipes is MINT LEMONADE PEACH ICED TEA RECIPE.

I had found this recipe off SaltyCanary website. I love their site and all the goodies I find off it. So to midsummer and cooking off.


Author: Andrea of Legal Miss Sunshine

Recipe type: Beverage

Cuisine: Beverage

Prep time:  10 mins

Cook time:  5 mins

Total time:  15 mins

Serves: 1 pitcher

Mint Lemonade Peach Iced Tea Recipe


• 2 Bigelow Perfect Peach herbal tea bags

• 2 cups boiling water

• 1 package of frozen pink lemonade or lemonade starter

• 5 cups cold water

• 1 peach, sliced

• 1 lemon, sliced

• 6-8 mint sprigs (or frozen mint ice cubes)

• ice


1 Start by boiling your 2 cups of water. After water comes to a boil, pour water into heat safe container and add 2 peach tea bags and steep tea for 10 minutes.

2 While tea is steeping, prep your pink lemonade according to the manufacturer’s directions.

3 Slice your peach, and slice your lemon in circular rounds to use as a garnish.

4 Then add 1-2 mint sprigs to each glass and muddle the mint (lightly crush) and add some ice.

5 Then, when the tea is finished steeping, add it to the pink lemonade and pour over the ice in your glasses.

6 Add the peach slices, garnish with a lemon slice, add a straw, and enjoy!

June Reading

Hey guys, so tonight I really felt a calling to do July’s tarot reading but it turned out to be June’s reading. Before we start, let me explain to you how I do my readings.

Every reading is different, they might be the same layout or different. I don’t usually read my cards upside down as negative. To me they mean a focus card. However, sometimes that natural instinct tells me that it’s the opposite or negative.

Tonight I pulled 6 cards. Arranging from top to right and bottom left to right.

Six of wands Temperance Page Of Wands

Knight OF Wands Knight OF Cups Ten of swords

When I first pulled six of wands I felt success, and as August pulls right around the corner, we are seeing the achievements of our first harvest. So be proud of where you have come from so far this year.

Temperance tonight felt like there was an unbalance between family and friends. Find your connection with your partner or those you are struggling with. Find that partnership in your life again, reconnect to regain your balance.

Page of wands was a card of energy and emotion. I feel as if there are arts and crafts all around me but although I seek them, my mind doesn’t let me. I feel this card has a very feminine energy to it. Guys,gals get those girls a new coloring set, find some yarn or even a new hairstyle for your lady or friend. Let her release and relax , by helping her obtain her inner creativity for she deserves a piece from her harvest.

Knight of wands, I almost laughed when this card came up. I feel a young man, a young energy who is adventurous,and generous. Keep your arms open to those young who only ask to serve this month. For those young knights will once be kings in the years to come. Maybe give them a small job, mow the yard, help the elderly across the street. Be generous and thankful.

Knight of cups, Prince Charming… or is he? Again I feel some masculine to this card. He is all but perfect. He trolls around with his diamonds and gold but underlies much darkness. Be careful of this one. Be open and loving but be cautious. This one isn’t telling the whole truth.

Ten of swords, this card makes me want to cry. I feel sorrow,loss, broken when I touch this card. I feel as if someone near will not be telling the truth, they’re deceitful. This will lead you to feel helpless. Don’t let this person take you down with them. They’re not meant to be your friend or in your life if they can repeatedly cross your boundaries.

Let’s talk about magic

Before I begin,

If you are new or curious Of my world please contact me and I’d be happy to give as much resources as I can to help you understand.

So let me explain the picture. This was taken at 2 A.M.. I was in search of a clearer light on some things in my life.

The picture shows a crystal, a obsidian arrow head, my tarot cards, my pointer, my pendulum and the paper.

Each object has a particular importance of what I was doing. My pendulum (the purple stone on the chain) is my guide, it points to which answer I need,

My crystal and obsidian gives me even energy of balance, protection and clarity. (Watch for the posts about stones to learn more)

My tarot card and Pointer (the spiral looking pen) gives me a second option to answer or a direct answer if I needed it. In which this time I didn’t.

Now to the paper. The paper holds four main parts: the triangle, the words, and paper itself.

The triangle stands for balance. The words, yes no or maybe give me the option of my answers. The word intent gives the energy the meaning of the question I ask out loud (or internally).

Now the paper itself. I usually use salt or some sort of dirt to make my triangle. However, it was 2 A.M. and I wanted the least amount of mess I’d have to clean up.

I took this picture to show you that it doesn’t matter what you use for your tools. It only matters your intent, your comfort ability and confidence in your own spirit.

Until next time, Namaste my friends. Much light and love.

The First OFFICIAL Post!

Yay! I finally made it to my first post.  What should my first post be? Energies? Chakras? Middle earth?  Crystals? House cleansing?

Na.. I’ll keep this one short for you till tomorrow.  For now I leave you with a simple passage:

“You are only what you create, so create a unique, master piece of light to shine through the world.  For you are the light, and with you all things are possible with the whole you.  Dive in, breath, and shine your light”.   By Me 🙂


Namaste my friends, much light and love.


What To Expect

Hello wandering eyes,

Here is a list of things you can expect (of course not limited to) from my blog:

  • Tarot readings (written or video)
  • Pagan Information
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Advice
  • Mind/body/soul connections—including chakras,reki,energies etc
  • LOTS AND LOTS of natural ways and items.


There is much more to list but this a general list. I do hope to see more of you! Follow me to join the whimsical ride.

The Journey Begins

           Welcome to Sylph Moon. Thanks for the joining the broom flying, moonlight ride.  Here at Sylph Moon, I hope to share my knowledge, my advice,my experience with all those who come. This is an open spiritual blog, although I follow the pagan ways, there is no limitations on where the posts are from. I am open to all paths of the world. Buddha once said, “you are the light that will help shine the world”. I plan on doing just that.  So to new journeys,new friends, and much light. Namaste my new friends.

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