Since we now have a general understanding of who we are, if we are going to be nature followers, the first step is what is front of our eyes.  I won’t go on into the gods, goddess ,yet, of the seasons but to nature itself.   Knowledge, wisdom is power.   We are one with nature.

I’m going to skip and ahead to our weeks assignments, I feel from my studies the questions next starts out any witch in their journey.


  1. Watch the sunrise, periodically check through the day of the sun–make notes.
    • Are you more aware of the four directions?
    • Was there a difference energy at different times of the day?- why do you think so?
  2. Do the same of the above^^^^ on an overcast day.
    • Do you see or feel the difference?
  3. Make a windstock ( Bag)
    • Note down the way the winds blow and from which direction?
    • Is there a direction it blows more frequently?
    • Do warm and cold winds come from the same way?
  4. Weather is predicatable
    • Can you tell when its going to rain or snow
      • Jot down these^
  5. What lands around you can affect the weather?
    • Water
    • mountains etc
  6. Take a walk near you and note the plants that are around you
  7. Do you have plants or garden? Is it native?
  8. In your area, do you have deities or myths?

Now the funnest part of this weeks lesson.. Creating a moon phase journal.  Sure you can get the app or just goggle it. But to start your foundation and knowledge starting on your own is better. Get a notebook and capture the phases of the moon. Note the rise, the fall, the times, and directions.  This will help later.


This week is a little longer, so it wont be till the week after till the next lesson is posted. I know..I know..this lesson was boring BUT I assure you its worth every question. Don’t forget to subscribe to your email or follow!