Sylph Moon

A Journey Through Mystics

Month: August 2018 (Page 2 of 2)

The Charge Of The Goddess


The Charge of The Goddess

Doreen Valiente


Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess
The dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven
She whose body encircles the universe.
I am the beauty of the green earth
And the white moon amongst the stars
And the mystery of the waters
And the desire in human hearts
Call unto your soul
Arise and come unto me
For I am the soul of nature
Who gives life to the universe
From me all things proceed
And unto me all things must return
Before my face, beloved of all
Let your divine innermost self be enfolded
In the rapture of the infinite
Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices
For behold, all acts of love and pleasure
Are my rituals
And therefore, let there be beauty
And strength and power
And compassion
Honor and pride
Mirth and reverence
Within you
And you who think to seek for me
Know your seeking and yearning
Shall avail you not, lest you know the mystery
That if you seek me and find me not within you
You will never find me without
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning
And I am with you endlessly …

Who are you? Pagan 1o1 LS 1

Who are you? What do you stand for?

Our first lesson is about finding ourselves by looking in to our foundation of who we are and what we believe in.  One of my firm beliefs is that for you to know your path you must know yourself.

When we are asked to list the “good or bad” of ourselves, most of us have long list of negative things. 90%  of those things are not true or real.  Sometimes our good habits or attributes are what makes the bad and vi versa.  Our first step is accepting that we aren’t perfect and acknowledging that the bad is here to stay but we can use it to make ourselves better from it.

How does this go with paganism? witchcraft?  To know yourself truly, we will not be posers or wannabees for any religion, but real. Being true to yourself of who you are allows us to see where us and the divine meet, where they split.  If we know ourselves, if we believe in ourselves and what we stand for, we can then interpret omens, divination, oracles better by knowing what is there, separate from how we feel.

Go and read the Charge of The Goddess (See my post), I assure you that there is a purpose to reading it.

  • For this lesson, write down your “good and your bad” habits/aspects.  Don’t try to fool yourself, be truthful in this. Take your time with this and really look at yourself.
  • For every good quality, tell yourself how it can be, or has been, a source of trouble in your life. For every bad quality, tell yourself how it can be or has been, of benefit of your life. (Don’t leave anyone of them out)
  • Ask yourself are you happy with your life? Why, why not? What would you need to be happy?


Till next time, love and light and blessed it be.


Turning Knowledge Into Wisdom

I have been lead to start a another series. This will help cover 13 basic topics of paganism. If you are new or brushing up, this will be a great way to do just those.         For this series my goal is to not only enlighten the word and community of pagan but to help others grow themselves.  Every lesson will have a activity for yourself to do afterwards. This is a way to have a physical and mental growth. So grab a notebook, a pen and follow me through this wonderful series.

If you are new here please come join us on this wonderful blog of all things spiritual.  Don’t forget to like,follow, and share to keep up with the light it shines.  I am always open to comments, new information (no one has all the knowledge), and questions.

Keep an eye out for the new series to come.

With love, light and peace.

Blessed it be.

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