In order to reopen and heal your Sacral you must look within. Figure out what your needs are, your desires. It’s okay to have needs. It’s okay to have desires. It’s okay to say Yes or No to situations. Here are some keys to help you re-balance.
- Get tested for deeper issues,
- Cancer, cysts, infections
- Self-care is your best tool
- Identify sexual blockages
- Guilt, Beliefs, what are your desires?
- Identify your addiction
- Shopping, drugs, alcohol, pain
Emotional: LET IT OUT!
- Practice Catharsis
- Jump, scream, cry out loud,laugh
- Explore your creative mind when dealing with these emotions
- Find your emotional triggers
- Know that who you are is enough
- Never stop trying, never stop growing
- Fasting
Smell: Jasmine, Orange blossom
Hear: Latin
Taste: Orange, herbal teas
See: Carnelian, orange
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