Sylph Moon

A Journey Through Mystics

Category: Main (Page 1 of 4)

Gods & Goddesses

This is where things get a little tricky.. the subject of the great Divine is one every person has. Who or what is the divine? Is it male is it female? This next part of the series is all about the Gods and Goddesses who make up our world as we know it.

Many Pagans myself included come to our paths calling our Deities (Higher power) Lord and Lady. The Lady is mother Earth and the triple- faced moon. We see earth as a mother, a provider.  As a Moon Goddess she is the Maiden, waxing moon-she is the blushing bride, she is the warrior. She is Potential.

The Full Moon is a Mother aspect, the whole roundness of the moon represents a full term belly about to bring forth new life. This is the fulfillment aspect.  The Waning moon is the Crone, the wise old woman. She takes and diminishes.  She represents wisdom and death . 

The Dark moon is commonly left out but we should really take time and be thankful for its help to balance us. Many leave it out because of the “darkness” but without dark there is no light and vs versa. We all must have an equal balance. This particular one represents the destroyer. But isn’t part pf destruction new growth?

The God, The Lord, the Ladys other half, is usually forgotten in many of these.  As consort to the Earth, He is Father Sky, or the Sun.  But when Goddess leaves earth to become a moon Goddess, so the God leaves the sky to her and becomes an Earth God- The Green Man, God of Plants, The Horned one, and the Lord of the Underworld, Ruler of the Tomb/womb.

It is the God of Plants that we honor at Ostara, as the first green haze on the trees. And He is the one we honor with beer and bread at the Festival of Grain, Lughnassadh. The Horned One is the God of the Wild. He is the bear that attacks in the woods, He is our own homicidal rages, He is our most Passionate lusts. He is the one who gives us the empowerment that we act on to protect our loved ones. His spirit lives within each meat we eat, each cow, each chicken etc.. Look in their eyes and see him. 

And in the Underworld, The Green God, The Horned and Sun God merge into one aspect: The king of the dead. He gives renewed youth, rest, reunion with those who have gone before. 

Now the fun time : HomeWork

For this lesson we are on a look of who are deity(S) are. So ask your self this what characteristic do you feel most would represent a Goddess and God? An idea is to look through the Encyclopedia Mythica and look up pantheon of your chosen culture.  Look through them, listen to their stories..then we play match up. With the list of traits you wrote down ^^ do any of these match up the pantheons you read? 

The Element of Spirit

Spirit-  Our soul, our light, our energy, our eternal selves.  Spirit is within all living,  it is the animating forces and everything abundant.

Spirit is the element that binds us all; from creatures, to plants, to the solar system, and to us humans.  This element within your blood is the strongest, most vigorous element of them all. Because spirit is strong and flows within our bodily blood, it is what makes blood magic so strong and delicate. It is literally taking spirit, the strongest element and putting soul into.

*History Fact-   Blood magic was originally the domain of women. Women used their menstrual blood. This was to show no harm to anyone and none unwilling.

Spirit is in the center of the circle and alters.


  1. How can you use this element?
  2. Three things you can use to represent Spirit on your alter.
  3. What colors do you think of spirit?
  4. Why would you call upon this element?


Till next time, much love and light.  Many blessings be upon you. If you havn’t yet, subscribe with your email, send me a message, and share with your friends, <3

Flow With The Water

Every time I think of water I don’t see oceans, rain, or  showers; I see emotions. The element of water is associated with emotions; how we feel.  However, this element goes deeper then just our emotions but it is connected with memories.

Water is easy to see as an essential to living things to survive. Water is just like a cycle. We take in water, it cleans us and then we release the most precious components of it, our tears.

Our next to last element turns to the west.  Our ancestors pointed out that the biggest body of water ( more then likely the Atlantic Ocean) was on their west side.



  1. Name three things you could use to represent water on your altar.
  2. Which direction to you feels that the element of water belongs?
  3. What colors would you associate water with?
  4. If you had to call upon water magically, what reasons would you have to lean on water for?
  5. Write your quarter call for water.



For those who are just coming in-Keep up with the Pagan 101 series by clicking subscribe so you don’t miss any of that good stuff! Share the website if you wish!! (I encourage it)   Go look around on the pages and see what other metaphysical stuff you can find.

Keep an eye out for our last element- Spirit

Hot sizzlen-Fire Element

What is the fire element? How does fire play into the world, our paths?  If you have ever watched jungle book you would see that fire can destroy but fire is power. Fire known for power, courage, and of course passion.   We have fire physically,mentally, and emotionally. Fire is the sun, the stars, and simple cook fire. It is our courage, our passion for things, people, and events. It is the fuel to jealousy.  It is the spark of all living things.     We use fire element cautiously because it can manifest so strong, light hearted beware.

Homework time! Get out those Book Of Shaddows and other notebooks.

What can you use on your alter to represent the fire element? Can you name three?

What do you think the color for fire is?

What magical purposes might you use the fire element for?

Make you a spell!!!

Time to write a quarter call for this element!


Come back next week for the element of WATER!!  Like subscribe and share!

Access The Sacral Chakra- Affirmation

Open your mind to trusting life. To move forward you need to know what you deserve to feel good, to feel of worth. Let yourself experience happiness and pleasure.   To heal your Sacral Chakra we have to develop a state of mind our physical body-the whole body.  What we eat drink and the way we move.


The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within You

Book by Ambika Wauters


I honor my body and treat myself with respect. I feel the power of healing moving in and through me as I affirm my worth and sand honor my body.  I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression. I lighten my body each time I feel well in myself. I am a creative of light, open to my highest joy.  I am grateful for the joy of being me. I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.  Goodness, beauty, and joy resonate with me. I am at one with them. Healing happens each time I rest, relax, and enjoy myself.  My body responds to thought of pure love and light. I heal any condition that affects me by knowing my body seeks balance and regeneration. Stimulate my immunity by knowing light lives in and through me. I encourage healing each time I affirm my worth and honor my choices for love. I love myself.

Solving Your Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

In order to reopen and heal your Sacral you must look within.  Figure out what your needs are, your desires.  It’s okay to have needs. It’s okay to have desires. It’s okay to say Yes or No to situations.  Here are some keys to help you re-balance.


  • Get tested for deeper issues,
    • Cancer, cysts, infections
  • Self-care is your best tool
  • Identify sexual blockages
    • Guilt, Beliefs, what are your desires?
  • Identify your addiction
    • Shopping, drugs, alcohol, pain

Emotional: LET IT OUT!

  • Practice Catharsis
    • Jump, scream, cry out loud,laugh
  • Explore your creative mind when dealing with these emotions
  • Find your emotional triggers


  • Know that who you are is enough
    • Never stop trying, never stop growing
  • Fasting


Smell: Jasmine, Orange blossom
Hear: Latin
Taste: Orange, herbal teas
See: Carnelian, orange


Problems with The Sacral Chakra

The second Chakra is all about dealing with the emotions of finding yourself.   I split up the general problems with three parts: Physical, Emotional/mental, and spiritual.


  • Lacking sexual appetite   (or over active)
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual problems
  • Pelvic Issues  (ovaries/testi)  problems         Constantly hungry


  • Detachment         Lost in Fantasy
  • Low self-esteem     Jealousy
  • Codependency


  • Problems with Power         Feelings like you are suffering (spiritually)
  • Problems letting go


Some causes of unbalance or overactive:

  •  Sexual abuse/emotional/physical
  • Rejection
  • Lack of reflecting of oneself.


The Sacral Chakra

Here is a general list of all the yummy Sacral Chakra information. Look out for it’s problems and solving them next!

  • Physical/location: ovaries/testes    Two inches below your navel, two inches in pelvis.
  • Emotional: pleasure, deserving, envious, lack of care for physical self.
  • Mental: Attitude of being enough, knowing you deserve the life you want.

Some extras:

Qualities’: Well being, sexuality, sensual, abundance, pleasure.

Color: orange    Music: Latin   Element: earth    Aspect: sensation    Sensory: Taste

Astrology sign: Cancer/Scorpio    Oils: Jasmine, Orange blossom    Plants: Jasmine

Mythology animal: Sea monster    Crystals/stones: Carnelian, tigers eye, onyx, Red/orange agitate

Life issues: Know who you are, what you do is enough, enough rest, food, fun, money. Create healthy boundaries.





The Whispering Element-Air

What is air? Air is the element of all things. We all need oxygen including plants, animals, and ourselves. It is with us when begin life as a seed to death itself.  How does air work in magic? Air is the part of telepathy and divination-ALL PSYCHIC ABILITIES.

Air is the wind the in the meadow we feel rolling through our hair, the breeze during summer nights, and the shiver we feel in winter. It is the weather that destroys home, it is the weather that builds nests for all living creatures.

“Earth is an Air purifier, clean air supports life. We begin to see the interconnections of things.” -Fran

Homework time! 

  1. What are three things you could use to represent air on your alter?
    1. When you think about air, what do you think of first?
  2. Which direction do you think or feel air is in?
  3. Do you know what colors represent air?
  4. How will you invoke the aspects of air?
  5. Write you quarter call for air.


If you are new click through the beginning of this series, you don’t want to miss out on any of it!  For my followers, keep an eye out for the next element in this series FIRE!

***Don’t forget to share and subscribe!


Welcome to the element EARTH

Earth Pt. 1

In history and some present day times, the Greeks considered earth to be a symbol of the solid state or “physical”.  We as pagans take the elements pretty serious so earth to us is the handful of soil from our garden, it is the entire planet.  It doesn’t always represent the soil but a solid, dependable part of our lives. Our foundation, the beginning.

Earth is the realm of abundance, prosperity, and wealth. It is the most physical part of our elements. Without earth itself we would could not exist.  Earth is the calm, the understanding, it holds wisdom, whenever you need to find an answer earth will be able to help.

!!!HOMEWORK TIME!!!   I know, I know but I assure you its well worth it.

  1. Standing at your alter what can you use to represent earth?
  2. Which direction belongs to the element of earth and why do you feel this way? (subjective)
  3. What are the colors of earth?
  4. Magically speaking, why would you invoke the earth element?
  5. Write a short spell using EARTH power. (Or what you think a spell would be. Include details such as color of candles, if any, all things used, like seeds or something written on paper)
  6. Write a quarter call for earth. (Invite the power of this element to be with you /guard/help you)
  7. What would an earth element look like? Where would it live?
  8. Make a representation of an earth element, tell me what you used, how you put it together?  Now bless this being at night, ask it to be your guide into the realm of earth, and bury it in your yard or a sacred space in the direction you feel right.

***Midnight is between sunset and sunrise*** <Your clock isn’t always on point, most newspapers show the time of midnight.

9. Write down your correspondences for the earth:    *Direction, color, etc*

10. In preparation for the next weeks lesson, write down some questions you’d like to ask an earth elemental.

I know homework this week is long, but I assure you it’s worth it in the long run. Don’t forget share! Send to your friends, if you haven’t yet like, subscribe! Keep a look out for PART 2 OF EARTH!

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