Open your mind to trusting life. To move forward you need to know what you deserve to feel good, to feel of worth. Let yourself experience happiness and pleasure. To heal your Sacral Chakra we have to develop a state of mind our physical body-the whole body. What we eat drink and the way we move.
The Book of Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within You
I honor my body and treat myself with respect. I feel the power of healing moving in and through me as I affirm my worth and sand honor my body. I trust my feelings and give them ample room for expression. I lighten my body each time I feel well in myself. I am a creative of light, open to my highest joy. I am grateful for the joy of being me. I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take. Goodness, beauty, and joy resonate with me. I am at one with them. Healing happens each time I rest, relax, and enjoy myself. My body responds to thought of pure love and light. I heal any condition that affects me by knowing my body seeks balance and regeneration. Stimulate my immunity by knowing light lives in and through me. I encourage healing each time I affirm my worth and honor my choices for love. I love myself.