Sylph Moon

A Journey Through Mystics

Tag: Health

Meditation For The Root Chakra

Since the formatting won’t work with me tonight it will be loaded as a PDF file. This meditation is okay for those who are new to meditation and is safe for all ages, written by myself. Practice a breathing exercise first to settle your heart and when you are relaxed begin.  Please click link below to follow to the meditation.


Meditation: The Root Chakra by Sylph Moon


Affirmation For Your Root Chakra

Before beginning this affirmation listen to the words NEXT. You have the right to a good life, if you choose to do so.  To start to heal your Root Chakra, start by making choices for yourself based on creativity, the promise of growth in maturity and spiritual.

This next part is from : The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters                                             I take no credit for the affirmation.

 I live from my integrity

I love from my heart

I am connected to life in all its glory

I know who I am and make choices based on what I know to be right for me

I affirm my right to the life I choose

I confirm my right to belong and be apart of something greater than myself

I know I am truly good

I live from the depths of my soul longing to express itself in the world

I stand for justice, truth, and love

I am supported in life through all my choices to do good and share the light of love

my body supports me in living a creative and happy life

I am open to the spirit of life, which carries me beyond my original limits to a higher, more creative space

I am thankful for all opportunities for growth and development that have come my way

I am grateful for the challenges that have taught me who I truly am.

I love life


Solving Your Unbalanced Root Chakra

There is an a thousand plus ways to help re-balance your Root Chakra. The five senses are well known in researchers who study meditation and health. To re-balance your Root Chakra today you’ll learn by using sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

  • Touch (physical):
    • Excerise
      • Walking, yoga
    • Incorporate root vegetables.
      • We do this because root vegetables are right from the earth its self.
    • Crystals or Earthing
      • Bloodstone, Tigers Eye, Ruby, Onyx are just four of many crystals that you can you use to touch to help reboot your Root Chakra.3


  • Smell:
    • Oils are great way to implement into mediation.
      • Specific oils for your this Chakra is
        • Cinnamon,sandalwood,ginger, dirt, moss


  • Hear:
    • Nature sounds
      • Take a walk by the lake or woods, listen and acknowledge all that you hear.
    • If you don’t have time the sound of drumming is a great music alternative.
  • Taste:
    • See oils and Physical ^
  • See:
    • Crystals, land, water, other cultures.


***Notes:  The Root Chakra is all about foundation, your beginning, your ROOT.  With that said, think of your ancestors. Who are they? What do they believe in? Where do you come from?

Spiritual note for those of us who are pagan a grounding ritual is a great boost and key part of balancing. (Look for the grounding ritual post)

If you have any questions or would like to add to any of these please feel free to!


Welcome To The Chakras

A basic understanding–definition of the Chakras: The 7 Chakras are the human energy system which act like conductors through out the body, physically, mentally and spiritually.

What I love about Chakras is there is an infinity amount of information and wisdom through Chakras. This 7 month series (once a month) is going to take you onto a ride into the world of Chakras by showing you how every day to day basis is surrounded by your Chakras and how to keep them balanced. In order to successfully do this for age ranges of 13 and up, it will be broken down into basic problems, how to solve them, a affirmation and a meditation. There will also be some little notes or “tricks” that are note worthy to jot down.  Each month will be a different Chakra starting with August being The Root Chakra.

Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe or Follow to keep updated on new classes! Till next post. Namaste ?


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