Sylph Moon

A Journey Through Mystics

Tag: Mystic

Flow With The Water

Every time I think of water I don’t see oceans, rain, or  showers; I see emotions. The element of water is associated with emotions; how we feel.  However, this element goes deeper then just our emotions but it is connected with memories.

Water is easy to see as an essential to living things to survive. Water is just like a cycle. We take in water, it cleans us and then we release the most precious components of it, our tears.

Our next to last element turns to the west.  Our ancestors pointed out that the biggest body of water ( more then likely the Atlantic Ocean) was on their west side.



  1. Name three things you could use to represent water on your altar.
  2. Which direction to you feels that the element of water belongs?
  3. What colors would you associate water with?
  4. If you had to call upon water magically, what reasons would you have to lean on water for?
  5. Write your quarter call for water.



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Keep an eye out for our last element- Spirit

New Piece: Neverland

Neverland was inspired by the magical love I have for fae (fairys). Drift wood given to me by a dear friend, crystal quartz non-processed from Arkansas. And of course, my tinker-bell inspired oil pendulum jar. The jar is to capture the positive energy through dreams and the recipient be able to take the energy with them every day.

Tips On Reading Your Cards

A couple things that was taught to me was:

  • Reversed card meanings don’t always mean negative
  • Aces can be a overview of the readings subject
  • All Arcana cards trump over the others
  • Your cards are not meant to only read one (unless yes or no)

When you do your layout the cards may move around. Let your intuitive energy guide you to read them. Every person has their own ‘tricks’ of reading their cards. You choose what works for you.


Beginners Tarot Layout-Tarot 101

There are so many layouts for reading and each one had their own special touch.  This layout will be a simple three card spread.

Past Present Future  or Context Focus Outcome

There isn’t a set way of reading the spread, each spread has a mind of it’s own. Don’t be shocked when your cards decide to read another way then you lay them.


Tarot 101

I want to share a little deep insight on tarot reading.  Some things I am going to explore with you is how to handle them, how to read them, and tips/tricks of connecting with your deck.  Today is about how to pick your deck.

Are you a first time reader curious about tarot? Are you drawn to the world of mystics?

The tradition says that someone is to give you a deck but in the modern days finding your own can be just as wonderful. Where do you start? Where in the world do I find the right one? Which deck is right for me?

There is no right or wrong reason in the questions above. Here are some ideas to help you start your path.

Research the types of tarots, meditate on them, and find what calls to you.  Find your local mystic store or if you have a large book store (books a million carries a variety). Look at the colors, the art, the writing on the case, see what calls to you the most.Walk around with a couple decks that call to you in the store. See which one falls, or is the heaviest for you. The one that falls put back and then you’ll have your new deck.  Still can’t make a decision? Think about it for a couple days and come back.

You always have the option of going online for your deck. I personally like to hold, to connect first but everyone is different. My first teacher recommended the Rider-Waite deck for beginners. I have a mini Rider-Waite deck on hand. Even though it wasn’t my first deck it really is a good choice to have on hard or complicated readings. (will get into that on future post)

If you have a community store near you that does tarot classes, I highly recommend it.


Till next time* Namaste my friends.

Don’t forget to like and follow me to catch all the new tarot 101!


Thought Of The Day

If you had a symbol what would it be? What symbol, what creature, or item matches you??

I have always been close to unicorns, fairies and hummingbirds that are nature oriented. But symbol is still a mystery.. To be continued after some meditation on the subject.

Please like,share, comment your thoughts, and don’t forget to press follow!

Till next time- Namaste my friends.  Much light and love!

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