Every time I think of water I don’t see oceans, rain, or showers; I see emotions. The element of water is associated with emotions; how we feel. However, this element goes deeper then just our emotions but it is connected with memories.
Water is easy to see as an essential to living things to survive. Water is just like a cycle. We take in water, it cleans us and then we release the most precious components of it, our tears.
Our next to last element turns to the west. Our ancestors pointed out that the biggest body of water ( more then likely the Atlantic Ocean) was on their west side.
- Name three things you could use to represent water on your altar.
- Which direction to you feels that the element of water belongs?
- What colors would you associate water with?
- If you had to call upon water magically, what reasons would you have to lean on water for?
- Write your quarter call for water.
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Keep an eye out for our last element- Spirit